Mobilizing the Enterprise

Thoughts on SharePoint, Smartphones, and the future of enterprise productivity

WWDC 2011 is Sold Out but Moprise is All-In

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WWDC 2011 sold out in under 10 hours.  Wow.  The article also mentions some corporate developers will miss the event because they couldn’t get approval fast enough.

Microsoft has put on some great events for corporate developers, IT Teams, and IT executives where they were educated on the details of computer programming, tips and tricks on using the technologies, and business tracks covering the value proposition with rich return on investment models.  This really helped entrench Microsoft into the corporate back-office as well as the corporate hierarchy.  It will be interesting to see how Apple evolves their developer outreach programs to court this profitable segment.

At Moprise, we’re all heading down for WWDC.  Luckily the CEO and Moprise developer interests were clearly aligned and tickets for our development team were purchased first thing in the morning.

Written by daviddsouza

March 28, 2011 at 6:32 pm

Posted in Culture, WWDC

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