Mobilizing the Enterprise

Thoughts on SharePoint, Smartphones, and the future of enterprise productivity

Archive for the ‘Office365’ Category

How to use Coaxion on the iPhone… Coverage in TechRepublic

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Will Kelly over at TechRepublic has written a detailed how-to use Coaxion for the iPhone to access Dropbox & SharePoint.  We appreciate the coverage Will!

Coaxion for the iPhone was our first effort to bring together corporate servers, collaborating business users, and documents for real time collaboration. Since then, we’ve spent more time advancing our iPad version simply because customers said documents look better on tablets. Makes a lot of sense so we’ve focused there. But, we’re finding more and more people like Will want to do quick collaboration on their iPhones too.  Let us know via feedback at if you’d like to see more updates in Coaxion for the iPhone.

And if you are a Coaxion user, check out Will’s article to see how you can use Coaxion on your iPhone to securely access SharePoint, Office365, Dropbox and your colleagues!

Written by daviddsouza

June 13, 2012 at 11:27 am

Document Sharing with Microsoft Office Web Apps on the iPad

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Microsoft recently sent marketing email suggesting “seeing is believing” and that Microsoft Office Web Apps is the better choice for sharing documents. As proof, they encourage you to open their sample Excel spreadsheet in Office Web Apps versus Google Docs.

However, in reality, everyone simply wants their Office documents on an iPad.  So using Microsoft’s own samples, I tried to view their documents on an iPad versus a PC.  For brevity, I won’t focus on Google Docs - it looks crappy, as Microsoft intended - but let’s sample the Microsoft Office Web Apps document sharing experience on an iPad.

Document sharing with Microsoft Web Apps

The following video shows the Microsoft Web App experience on an iPad using Microsoft’s sample documents as provided in the marketing email.  You will notice Microsoft’s sample Excel spreadsheet on Safari in an iPad looks completely foreign versus the same spreadsheet displayed on a laptop (MacBook Air running Chrome in my case).  Making business decisions using these substandard views can be catastrophic.  This is why Coaxion’s document sharing technology automatically converts Office documents to PDF for fast, high quality viewing on iPad and iPhone.

Written by daviddsouza

March 14, 2012 at 3:52 pm

Posted in iPad, Office365, tablets

Cost savings using Coaxion vs SharePoint

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A typical 10 person team can save over $1000 annually using Coaxion instead of buying a SharePoint license for each team member.

Before Coaxion: We encounter the following teams in our studies of document sharing:

1) A committee of 10 members supported by a staff member, want to meet and receive paperless documents on their iPads.

2) This committee archives their documents on SharePoint and is managed by a staff member.

3) Initially, committee members accessed SharePoint for their documents directly, requiring 10 SharePoint licenses.

4) Committee members required SharePoint training and support. Logging in, understanding the document hierarchy, and navigating the site on an iPad was cumbersome.

5) Staff members spent as much time supporting use of the SharePoint tools as they did preparing for the meeting.

6) This strategy required purchase of SharePoint licenses at $10 per user per month although access was only during the actual meeting.

After Coaxion: After upgrading to Coaxion, only one SharePoint license is required for a staff member. Committee members save time & money accessing just what is needed using Coaxion Reader on their iPads.

1) As before, the staff member manages the documents on SharePoint, ensuring integrity, proper filing, and correctness.

2) The staff member distributes digital copies of the meeting documents to all the committee members’ iPads using Coaxion. Committee members now see Microsoft Office documents with all original formatting.

With Coaxion, everybody saves. Committee members save time by not logging into and navigating SharePoint.  Staff members save time supporting SharePoint for people who simply need a few key documents. The business reduces SharePoint licensing costs.

Written by daviddsouza

March 7, 2012 at 1:06 pm

Automatic rendering of Microsoft Office documents as PDF on iPad

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Corporations often use Microsoft Office document formats but most iPad applications display these formats incorrectly.  If users were unaware, business decisions could be delayed or made without all the facts.

To see this first hand, here are some sample documents as viewed within email on an iPad compared to the same documents viewed within Coaxion.  This is a collection of slides in PowerPoint and pages in Word. The email display is on the left while Coaxion is on the right. The green exclamation mark was added to help surface the differences. You can click on any image to make it larger.

Even a casual examination of the documents shows how much easier it will be to hold paperless meetings using Coaxion over email - especially since you can forward your email with attachments to [email protected] for instant paperless meetings on Coaxion.

Some things that go missing include: Images, Headers, Footnotes, Charts, Axis, Watermarkers, and Formatting.  This means you will miss important data like your sales projections or key details on a contact.

Here are some sample pages when viewing native Office formats in email vs Coaxion. The green ! indicates missing graphics and incorrect formatting in the documents viewed before PDF conversion.

As viewed in email or a typical iPad PDF reader:    As viewed in Coaxion for iPad:




Written by daviddsouza

March 3, 2012 at 3:05 am

SharePoint Documents for iPad - Updates to Moprise

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Our Moprise SharePoint application is the fastest and easiest to use iPad app to your documents on Office365 & SharePoint.  Based on extensive customer feedback and hundreds of thousands of users, we have made BYOD access to SharePoint documents easy and carefree. 90% of SharePoint users primarily need access to their corporate documents and Moprise delivers that with a streamlined interface and no changes required to your SharePoint or Office365 servers.  Simple configuration allows access to Office365, BPOS, or on-premise SharePoint using your corporate credentials.  Streamlined access to documents including Microsoft Office formats keeps team members on top of what’s important. Documents and links can easily be shared via email.

Our latest update makes Moprise’s iPad access to SharePoint even easier.

1) In landscape mode, the folder & file list disappears to give you a full screen to access your document.

2) You can easily sort the folder & file list by title or date to make finding new content faster.

3) In case of updates to the site, you can refresh your iPad view of SharePoint by simply pulling down the list.

4) Configuration changes to SharePoint or Office365 settings can require confirmation to prevent inadvertent deletion of sites.

5) A collection of bug fixes to further improve stability and weed out corner case crashes.  We are proud that our customers can have multi-hour meetings viewing documents from SharePoint without crashing.

This update is available in the App Store today.

The fastest and easiest way to access Office365 & SharePoint on your iPad

Office365 and SharePoint on your iPad

Written by daviddsouza

March 1, 2012 at 8:04 pm

Microsoft Office Document editing with SharePoint, Box.Net, and DropBox

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Since the beginning, Coaxion has had superior integration with the Microsoft back office and document formats. Coaxion has the fastest, best looking, and easiest to use integration with SharePoint, in the cloud or on premise. Coaxion automatically converts Office documents to PDF so that you can read them with full fidelity - your annotations, charts, and graphs look great in Coaxion. And today we build upon that foundation with excellent Microsoft Office document editing on the iPad.

We partnered with QuickOffice to make it easy to edit and “save back” your Office documents into any of your enterprise storage repositories. We recognize departments optimize their storage service to the needs of the team and critical business documents are scattered across a variety of hosted and on-premise file repositories including SharePoint, Box, and Dropbox. One could use a combination of iPad applications to download and view these files but security, usability, and interoperability is lost in this process.  In one reliable, secure, and easy to use app, Coaxion Pro supports Office document editing and saving to SharePoint, Office 365, Box, or Dropbox.

Use our in app upgrade to get the “Pro” version of Coaxion and take advantage of easy document editing and save back capabilities with your favorite editors including QuickOffice and Documents to Go.  Today, editing of documents stored in “My Documents” is supported and you will be prompted to “save back” to Coaxion and “upload” to your corporate document server.

Within Coaxion, view a "My Documents" document in full screen mode and select "Open In". Select QuickOffice from the list to edit your document.

When done editing, tap "Close" in QuickOffice followed by "Save Back" and "Coaxion". This will save the document in Coaxion and switch to Coaxion. Coaxion will prompt you to update the documents in SharePoint, Box, or Dropbox.

Written by daviddsouza

January 20, 2012 at 1:00 pm

Introducing Coaxion for iPad

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Coaxion makes it easy to read, share and synchronize critical business documents across iPads. Two key features of Coaxion are its ability to access critical business storage systems like SharePoint and to easily synchronize the documents with your team’s iPads no matter where they are.

Documents and storage are incredibly siloed within corporations. Corporations have spent billions on on-premise storage systems from HP, Dell, EMC, Microsoft, and Oracle.  Years of optimization, security & compliance systems, business processes and applications have been built around these systems and they are impossible to shed just for mobile benefits.   Additionally, SaaS companies like Google, Salesforce, Atlassian, and Box provided cloud storage systems that provided incredibly compelling value to some departments that it was worthy of migration.  These departments usually pay a per user, per month fee for specialized applications and storage systems such as Salesforce provides for sales teams.

The end result is today’s corporation has documents spread across on-premise systems and cloud systems, with licensing, organizational, and security boundaries preventing sharing of documents using a single native storage system.  Often companies resort to sharing by email or sharing by printing.

Coaxion for iPad allows executives and teams to easily read and share documents on iPads independent of their storage systems. With Coaxion, the truth remains on your servers and we take care of distributing only the documents you intend to share to the iPads & users you specify.

Powerful security and privacy features insure only the documents you share are securely sent to trusted users. Product launches, board meetings, HR and compensation issues, customer reports, and many other items within a corporation are extremely confidential and should only be shared with private groups.  These are scenarios where Coaxion excels with its ability to efficiently deliver content to iPads, where your teammates are most inclined to consume it.

Download Coaxion to share documents with your teammates.

Written by daviddsouza

November 26, 2011 at 2:57 am

Will Office 365 change Microsoft’s position in mobile?

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One of Microsoft’s goals with Office 365, its new cloud-based office productivity suite, is to strengthen the company’s position in mobile, but it remains to be seen if the offer is compelling enough to attract new customers.

We’re thrilled Moprise was mentioned in this article.  But it also raises an interesting question - can Microsoft’s newest enterprise infrastructure drive adoption of Microsoft’s newest mobile devices?

Microsoft has a very focused “better together” strategy.  The “Office suite” was the first example of a set of productivity applications - Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook - working well together. Microsoft extended this with the Windows client, Office Suite, Windows Server, and even Windows Mobile/Phone. Customers were well served with leading edge PC technology by picking Microsoft as the default vendor. Things worked well together for users, IT was more consistent, and Microsoft even made licensing complementary technologies easier by checking a box at renewal time.

However, the mobile disruption is huge.  iPad, iPhone, and Android are leading this mobile revolution with mobile apps delivering new consumer scenarios with around entertainment, games, augmented reality, and location awareness.  Many of these scenarios were unimaginable on PCs.  Now these devices are flooding into the enterprise despite having significant friction points with enterprise infrastructure. In the near term, 3rd parties offer mobile apps that work with Microsoft Office formats, Dynamics CRM, SharePoint, or even remote into desktop PCs. But these are gap-fillers much like the first personal computers supported terminal emulators to connect to mainframes.

As phones & tablets increase in capability and versatility, we will re-imagine enterprise productivity with a mobile first perspective.  At first, these will be bite sized moments of productivity. Face scanning a crowd and getting lead & customer contact info on your phone in real time will be more valuable than desktop Outlook/CRM integration.  Real time push notifications of updates to documents, contracts, or sales closure will deliver more context and be immediately actionable instead of today’s email centric notifications that require filtering, multiple clicks, and browser login before action can be taken.  Background delivery of important documents and easy response mechanisms instead of VPN, browser login, download, view, switch to email & respond.   Real time team scheduling instead of high latency scheduling via email, SMS, and phone tag.

As we look forward, we believe mobility will change the way we work.  This will drive changes into IT infrastructure in a significant fashion.  Quite the opposite of Microsoft’s hope that IT infrastructure will change what mobile device we use.

Written by daviddsouza

June 29, 2011 at 4:10 am

Posted in iPad, Microsoft, Office365

Moprise Welcomes Office365

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We love Office365 and we’re excited to announce Moprise (SharePoint documents for iPad) & Coaxion (Business Documents & Discussions) have been upgraded to support Office 365.    As always, don’t hesitate to send us your feedback (feedback at moprise dot com).

Written by daviddsouza

June 27, 2011 at 7:02 pm

Posted in Apple, Microsoft, Office365


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